reasons to run with us!

Be Healthy
Fresh air and early morning running trips sure can cure almost anything.
Be One of Us
By joining our group, you get to experience 100% unforgettable moments.
Feel Free
Nothing makes you feel more free and independent as running open road.
Be Strong
Regular running helps you stay fit, healthy and hardy no matter what.
The Red River Road Runners, Inc. has as its primary purpose the promotion and encouragement of running as a lifestyle. To this end, the organization shall endeavor to promote and support all aspects of short and long distance running, physical fitness and related activities throughout the area. More importantly, it shall encourage men, women, and children of all ages and abilities to participate in these activities.
The Red River Road Runners, Inc. is a non-profit tax exempt organization and is a member of the Road Runner Clubs of America. Membership is open to all individuals desiring membership and whose acts and intentions are to further the basic purpose of the organization.